Mitch's Law Practice

Personal Injury
If you've been injured in an accident, Mitch will work with you one-on-one every step of the way. Contact Mitch now for a free consultation.

Weapons Law
If you have been charged with a crime involving self-defense or use of a weapon, timing is important. Call Mitch today.
Mitch's Books

Utah Gun Law
Written for the gun owners of Utah, concealed weapons instructors or anyone who has inquiries about gun laws and regulations in Utah.

Self-Defense Laws of All 50 States: 2nd Edition
Self Defense Laws of All 50 States is your guide to understanding the law of self defense and the use of deadly force.
INCLUDES: Charts, Maps, State Law, Case Examples, Jury Instructions, and more ... For every state! With added commentary from Attorney Mitch Vilos, an expert on the law of self defense.